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Time is Real

The artist borrowed the title of the piece from Henri Bergson’s philosophy. He believed that time should be considered not only as a mathematical scheme, but above all as an individual experience. How much time is needed to learn how to produce ceramics? To make a brick? How much time is necessary for the sea to transform a brick into a small, round, ceramic piece?

While collecting ceramic waste – fragments of bricks, lids of non-existent teapots, ceramic insulators, figurines – the artist pondered over questions to which there are no clear answers: Will my works also be found in a landfill one day by a random person? Who is the maker of the bricks washed ashore by the sea–is it still a person or now the sea?


The artist has created a series of porcelain shapes slightly reminiscent of the fragments of bricks washed up by the sea. She has juxtaposed it with her collection of ceramic findings in several variants. In one of the variations, she arranged the porcelain shapes together with the bricks on white museum display pedestals; in another, she displayed the art on shelves representing stamps for brick production.

The project was made in 2011.

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